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Monday, 17 February 2014
At first we were a bit skeptical when we first received our first stock of products. However, after trying it, we are now full on converts and recommend them to any and all expectant moms. Why? Because these tummy wraps really do make you feel and look good.
The elastic bands are created as binders to compress your abdominal area after delivery. It may sound uncomfortable, but in fact, they come in a variety of lightweight, comfortable, and even organic materials. In Ladymaternity.com we have the 12 Belly Band and the 9 Belly band. These bands help with your posture, takes pressure off your legs and back, and helps reduce that uncomfortable uterine swelling and bloating so many moms experience post delivery. 

They can also be used after a c-section. Most come with adjustable Velcro closures that can help you get back into your pre-pregnancy shape. But you know what's the best part? You can wear them underneathe your clothes and no one but you will even know its there. 
We can't promise that it'll make your extra pounds melt away but it'll help tighten your tummy post pregnancy.