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Lady Maternity
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Wednesday 12 February 2014
For those expecting mommy's, it's important to start watching your language and trying to avoid swearing. Kids are like sponges and they will easily copy what they hear! So here are some tips to train yourself to stop swearing: 

1. Enlist the help of your partner/a friend. Sharing this task will make the whole experience more tolerable and even enjoyable. Having someone to hold you accountable for your swearing slip-ups will force you to stick to your guns and kick this bad habit once and for all. 

2. Use a swear jar. This method has helped a lot of people and it involves taking a large jar and adding a dollar every time you say a swear word. 
- It's a punishment because you have to pay a jar every time you slip. 
- It's also a reward because once the jar is full, you can spend the money on whatever you like!

3. Identify your triggers and learn to avoid them. Everyone gets stressed out in certain situations and tends to swear more when they occur. For example, traffic or when people walk really slow. If you can identify these triggers, remove yourself from any of those situations which cause negative emotions and you'll be able to control yourself more. 

4. Ping your wrist with a rubber band. All you need is to wear a rubber band or a hair tie around your wrist and give it a firm snap every time you swear. This way, your brain will come to associate swearing with pain and will eventually cause you to mentally shy away from using bad words. 

So what way do you think is perfect for you? Is there any method you've used that we haven't mentioned? Comment below and let us know! 

For now, we'll leave you with a video of some kids saying the worst things their mommy's have said. Enjoy!